Membership levels
Take the next step, come and join the Resonance Repatterning® community. Knowing we have a large cross section of practitioners; we believe these are appropriate levels to recognize and accommodate our diverse range of members. (All benefits are open to fully paid-up members).
- If you are currently a practitioner and desirous of moving yourself upwards You Do not have to take the Advanced Practitioner level from practitioner; you can jump from Practitioner to Certified Practitioner if you think you are ready. HOWEVER, you must be a Certified Practitioner, before you can take Certified — Advanced Level.
- Mentors can commence from the Practitioner Level.
- Teachers can commence from Practitioner Level to teach up to the standard that they are qualified for as a practitioner, but must complete additional steps within 24 months of teaching.
- Please refer to the “Summary step by step guide to the certification journey”
The Resonance Repatterning® International Institute has Members, Practitioners, Mentors, Instructors and Masters in multiple countries around the world and is globally recognized. We continually seek to review and update Membership benefits to provide the most up-to-date and useful services to our members. Membership provides enhanced support, whether you choose to use Resonance Repatterning® for home use or whether you are choosing Resonance Repatterning® as a career. This comes along with the distinction of being affiliated with a professional, centralized, international association, and the enjoyment of establishing connections and relationships with fellow Members. To practice Resonance Repatterning®, to use the Brand Name or the logo you will need to hold a Resonance Repatterning® license to practice and this includes a paid membership each year and a license to practice that includes the regulations on the trademark, logo of use, code of conduct amongst other, or you will not be able to utilize the name or logo.

License to Practice
- There are currently 3 types of License to Practice: Novice Practitioner, Certified Practitioner and Certified Advanced Practitioner.
- Resonance Repatterning Students do not have a License to Practice (LTP) since they are in the process of learning how to become an RR practitioner. Each License to Practice has its own logo.You are entitled to advertise your practice using it. This logo should be displayed on your marketing material and your website.
- The License to Practice is renewable each year according to the date when you obtained it.
This level is best suited to individuals who want to explore the Resonance Repatterning® system more deeply, take courses, and perhaps go on to make a career of Resonance Repatterning®. By purchasing this level of membership/license to practice, this allows you immediate access to various benefits whilst waiting for your programmes to take place or during the process of taking your programmes. At this level students do not charge for services.
Novice Practitioner
This level is for Practitioners who have completed the Fundamentals and Primary Patterns programmes – conducted together now termed ‘Fundamentals Pathway’. And during this process have demonstrated their ability to conduct sessions. They are serious about their Resonance Repatterning® learning and they have received a Resonance Repatterning® license to practice. They may practice Resonance Repatterning® on others and charge fees for services.
Certified Practitioner (CertPrdip)
This level is for Certified Practitioners who have taken the journey of Resonance Repatterning® very seriously. They are serious about their practice and their learning, and they have received a Resonance Repatterning® License to Practice. They will carry (CertPrdip) after their name as a certified practitioner. They may practice Resonance Repatterning® on others. This level offers benefits exclusive to Certified practitioners, such as store discounts, logo use, marketing materials, and website listings.
Certified Advanced Practitioner (CertAdvPrdip)
This level is for Certified Practitioners who have taken the journey of Resonance Repatterning® very seriously. They are serious about their learning, and they have received a Resonance Repatterning® License to Practice. They may practice Resonance Repatterning® on others. They will carry (CertAdvPrdip) after their name as a Certified Advanced practitioner. They demonstrate the values of Resonance Repatterning® and show a tremendous ability to demonstrate such elements as holding the space, and the professional skills that we hold dear to our global standard. This level offers benefits exclusive to Advanced Certified practitioners, such as store discounts, logo use, marketing materials, and website listings.
Certified Advanced Practitioner and Instructor (
)This is a level that is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated a high level of passion, commitment, and knowledge at the level for which they are teaching. For the first time teaching has been opened to those from Practitioner status upwards. Which makes teaching Resonance Repatterning® much more accessible.
Certified Master Instructor (Cert.Master.Inst)
This is a highest level and is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated mastery of our system and are passionate about educating others in Resonance Repatterning® across a wide range of courses. They also are accredited to help others become Instructors. Having purchased the License to Practice at this level they have completed the Advanced Certification, they are trauma and coach trained.

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