Course Prospectus ~ Inner Cultivation Through the Twelve Meridians
We explore the twelve meridians through a lense of inner cultivation, learning out to nourish our inborn nature and fulfil our destiny
Course Description
The Inner Cultivation programme examines how we deplete our reserves of life energy through our unconscious negative beliefs and disturbed emotions – eventually manifesting as suffering, illness, relationship problems, or a loss of mental and emotional well-being. Using the inner tradition of Chinese Acupuncture, the basis of healing is to re-establish the unity between the yang of heaven’s will and the Yin of our body and this life.
As we raise our spiritual consciousness, the virtues associated with the five Essences begin to manifest: truth, wisdom, benevolence, righteousness, and integrity. The five virtues naturally resolve the disturbed emotions that cause illness and pain.
The Inner Cultivation Programme teaches how to shift resonance with unconscious negative beliefs and mental interpretations in response to life experiences, so we begin to live with conscious awareness of the spark of the Divine within and go into action to manifest our true nature.
Inner Cultivation Through the Twelve Meridians shows how to use the Five Element Acupuncture system for self-transformation. Inner cultivation is the personal work of nourishing our inborn nature and the fulfillment of our destiny. For the ancient sages of China, fulfilling one’s destiny is about spiritual transformation. They say the seed of Dao (the Divine, the inner Way, the Logos, Shabd) is present in every person equally, but it is up to each one to nurture this seed.
Our mind’s negative projections, judgments, or beliefs in response to what we have experienced create a false self that separates us from our inborn nature and our sense of unity with the Divine. Negative beliefs about self, others, and life manifest as disturbed emotions, making it impossible for us to know our true nature and realize our innate spiritual purpose.
As we raise our consciousness, we accept all life circumstances—whether pleasurable or painful—as heaven’s will. Viewing all challenges as the will of the Divine activates the spiritual seed of divinity deep within. Every situation and relationship interaction holds the potential for cultivating the five virtues associated with the five Essences that help us realize our spiritual purpose and destiny.
Inner Cultivation Through the Twelve Meridians is made up of 2 parts
- Part 1: Inner Cultivation Through the 12 Meridians: Self Paced Home Study
- To be purchased from the Home Study website & completed before the In-Person/Online course is taken.
- Part 2: Inner Cultivation Through the 12 Meridians: In-Person or Online
Key Outcomes
A student who completes this course will:
- Learn how to do thirteen (25) new repatternings related to the 12 Meridians.
- Learn how to use the 12 Meridian Pathways and the Meridian Points.
- Learn about the Three Treasures:
- JING – stored in the kidneys and is our inherited life force needed for all worldly accomplishments and spiritual realization.
- SHEN – stored in the heart is the activating impulse for our potential in the seed of our Jing. We need Shen to bring our potential into manifestation.
- YAN CHI or QI – a treasure also conferred at conception and stored in the kidneys. It arises from the Jing and Shen. Originally fused at conception, it separates with illness and suffering and becomes Yin and Yang. This shows up as excesses and deficiencies in our lives.
- Learn about the Five Essences and how they correlate to the five meridians or Officials of the Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung, and Spleen.
- Learn how each of the five Essences is associated with a specific disturbed or distorted emotion and a virtue.
- Learn what depletes our Essences.
- Learn the Six causes of illness in the inner tradition.
- Learn about healing in the Inner tradition.
- Learn Five (5) Mudras from the Indian tradition representing the five Essences we want to access and express.
- Learn Positive Actions that support conserving our innate energy and using it to fulfill the spiritual purpose of life.
Complete all of the Basic Series Programme: The Muscle Checking Course, Fundamentals of Resonance Repatterning®, Transforming Primary Patterns, Transforming Unconscious Patterns, Transforming Chakra Patterns, and Transforming Five Element and Meridian programmes.
- The Process Guide by Chloe Faith Wordsworth (purchase on: Amazon)
- Inner Cultivation Through the Twelve Meridians by Chloe Faith Wordsworth (purchase on: Amazon)
- Inner Cultivation Through the Twelve Meridians Laminated Chart (Purchase through the Resonance Repatterning® Shop).
- Spiral Up: 127 Energizing Options to Be Your Best Right Now by Chloe Faith Wordsworth (purchase on: Amazon)
Course Requirements
- Attend all course dates full-time to enable the institute to verify your attendance and provide the necessary approvals/accreditations for programmes.
- If you are sick or unable to attend due to extreme circumstances, you can catch up on one programme on the video-based learning program or recording. Otherwise, you will need to retake the programme.
- Be fully present throughout the course.
- Listen to the facilitator/instructor.
- Listen to one another.
- Ask questions when you don’t understand the content. Follow instructions.
- Assume responsibility for your own learning
- Behave constructively (e.g., not interrupt, dominate, hold side conversations, complain, or demotivate other participants).
- Attend the provided mentoring sessions separate from the programme time, which are arranged with your mentor.
- Complete the Skills Development assignments in each book (ideally, as you go through the programme). If you decide to move through the RR Pathway, this is required.
- Record the details of all self-sessions and practice sessions on the RR
- Record Sheet. Include your intentions and reflections.
- Read the entire book by the end of the course.
- Complete the suggested reading ahead of class as recommended by the instructor.
- Read and/or practice the repatterning/s to be done in the next class on yourself to gain familiarity.
- Bring a sticky note pad to mark pages in your book for quick reference.
- Consider using two colored highlighters to highlight the parts you say to the client and the parts the client will repeat.
- Practice looking at the camera rather than the screen when practicing with a classmate.
- Consider using the reading guide provided as a means to understand key concepts.
- Have plenty of water available to drink.
Much of this course allows the student to engage with the content and be fully immersed in the process. The instructor and mentors are available to observe and provide encouraging feedback to strengthen the confidence of all students. No formal evaluation is made in this course.
Course Credit or Applications Once Completing the Course
Upon completing this course, the student will earn 21 hours of credit or 27 hours of credit if participating with a mentor and may practice Resonance Repatterning® on themselves, family members, and friends. Until you are a Novice Practitioner (after completing the next course, Primary Patterns), you are a student and cannot practice with or charge clients..
Participants with Disabilities
All students with disabilities are guaranteed a learning environment that reasonably accommodates their disabilities. Students, who believe they have a disability requiring an accommodation, should inform the instructor through the link on the course home page.
Technology Access
This course requires web access and an established e-mail account. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view PDF files/documents; it may be downloaded free at Adobe Acrobat Reader. Online programmes will be conducted on Zoom, and the access information will be provided before the first class.
Course Evaluation
Student input is welcome for improving this course, and making suggestions by e-mail is helpful. Our goal in this course is to facilitate the achievement of all instructional objectives by all students. At the end of the semester, students can formally assess the programme. We want to make distance learning as effective as we can. We may also ask some other questions concerning a student’s experience in distance learning to help us improve our programme. We appreciate students letting us know how we can improve our services for them and other distance learners.

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