El Boletín de RRI es bilingüe en inglés y español. La versión en español se enviará por separado.
A Time of Renewal
We’re being challenged to be our best selves.
You don’t need me to tell you we’re all being challenged to be our best selves and this life can be a wild ride. These past two years in particular, we’ve all been triggered and nudged in ways that may not have been so comfortable, and it can be hard to remember we all signed up for this, and these changes are potentially leading to positive outcomes beyond what we can even imagine right now.
When we find ourselves being challenged it can be seen as a good time to refresh and redesign our daily practice and what we choose to nourish ourselves with, on all levels, to do what really works practically, to dare to live our ideals on a daily basis, to find what supports us to stay grounded and bring our deepest dreams to earth.
We can take responsibility for sculpting ourselves into the very best versions we can be, our true soul selves. We can lead by example and from experience. We can acknowledge our interdependence on each other and the natural world, and commit to win-win long term solutions for regenerative food supplies, knowing there truly is enough for all. Our bodies really do keep the score. When we slow down and listen to what our younger inner selves are telling us, through our bodies and hearts, through aches, pains and difficult feelings we try to run and hide from, we can begin to lighten up, brighten up and shine like we came here to do.
It seems to be a time when we are being called to address this illusion of separation. It Is time to shake up some of our old paradigms, to shift into new patterns of collaboration, creating community and sharing our gifts, for the benefit of all of life. This is something we Resonance Repatterning® practitioners know about! It’s why we are so enthusiastic about this miraculous tool and can be so passionate about sharing it.
We’re being called to let go of the story of loneliness, knowing we’re all together and alone. The paradoxical truth of being alive in a human body. Listening to Nature within us and around us. Literally coming to our senses, our sensual sensitivity and learning to trust our instinctual, animal body, aligned with our hearts and intuition. It might feel like we’re snakes shedding our skins, letting go of conditioning, outdated human made rules, limitations and illusory obstacles, and being finally free to live from our true soul values. We can discern and choose to create beauty with our thoughts, simply by where we focus our attention. We can choose to appreciate that the sun rises and sets every day, the tides ebb and flow, the seasons come and go. We can choose to find things we genuinely feel grateful for and this changes everything.
When we dare to be honest with ourselves and each other, to clearly communicate with compassion when others’ behaviour triggers angry responses in us, this can be a real gift and can change the dynamic forever.
Taking time this month to let go of our fearful control patterns by balancing our positive actions, creative expression and deep transformation, yang, with receptivity, nurturing, rest and playtime, yin, embracing our humility, simply shine, we become right sized, finding our true place in the world, being who we are and giving what we’ve got.
We don’t need to feel overwhelmed. We can continue to take tiny steps and stay receptive to the occasional quantum leap. When we set our intention for true self-expression, this ripples out and gently influences the human collective. When we know who we are, we can shine humbly and confidently, for the benefit of our collective evolution.

Simple ways to stay serene through these collective shifts are walking, running and dancing barefoot, gently bringing our attention to our breath, as many times as it takes us to feel calm. Landing in our bodies, centring in our hearts, giving ourselves a hug and finding something to genuinely appreciate, holding the tension of creative evolution, letting go of resisting what is, relaxing into our natural state of bliss. We can keep letting go of stagnant, stuck, collective pain, with our ancestors at our backs. We can choose to engage with what is, to spiral our hips, to soften into our tears, knowing we do this for all our relations and future generations. Useful mantras are: Here I am. Here we are. All is well.
Remember to check out the events and offerings for and by our community. Know that you can reach out to a practitioner if you need some extra support.

Blog has been authored by Tabitha Crook
Resonance Repatterning® International Membership Events & Packages
Our Theme for the year – helping you and your business Rise

We are excited to share with you in the newsletter that our new membership site launched last month. Here all the members have access to all the membership benefits as part of the yearly membership fee, https://rriimembership.wildapricot.org.
Please do go and check it out, depending on your membership, here you have access:.
• Various documents
• Events
• Training
• Useful Tables
• Take on forms
• Disclaimers
• And much, much more
Even if you are not a member, you too also have access to some of our events. Come and take a look at the upcoming events for the next year and community that is coming your way.
Up Coming Events
August Masterclass Kick off 19 August at 6pm South African time with
About the masterclass
The word “Vaastu” means ‘dwelling’ & “Shastra” means a science. Vaastu Shastra is the science of how the internal space of a building shapes and influences your mind, decisions, and feelings. Unlike traditional Western Architecture & design philosophies that prioritise aesthetic effectiveness of how the building should look, vaastu extends more holistically to including the science of how our mental space or subconscious mind interacts with the building itself.
About Vani
Vani Pavadai, is one of very few people in the world trained in Vaastu and has over 10years of experience as a Vaastu Practitioner, and also holds the title of “Vaastu Acharya” in Africa. The word “Archarya” means a Learned person on the subject matter. Vani has over 500+ Corporate and Residential Vaastu clients across the globe. Vani has been internationally trained under the auspices of 4 different Vaastu Gurus, or teachers from India.
In addition Vani has 23+yrs as a Meditation & Wellness trainer for the Art of living Foundation, having taught 20 000+ students across the African continent in Prisons, Drug Rehab Centres, Corporates, Government to mention a few.

Group Session 27 August at 6pm South African time with
About the Group Session
Lockdowns have had a negative impact on many aspects of life, including being and staying active. Whether you found the opportunity to build a more active routine while being stuck at home that you are now struggling to maintain, or you accidentally turned into a couch potato and want to attain an active lifestyle, this Group RR Session will support you in shifting the unconscious patterns that keep you stuck and unable to maintain the active life-style you desire.
About Sophia
With a degree in Zoology and a Masters in Climate Science, Sophia, who grew up in Greece, was introduced to Resonance Repatterning® after becoming a parent while living in Michigan, USA. In 2011, she moved to Brazil with her family where she decided to deepen her understanding of holistic health and take training in RR. On completing her training, she used the process primarily on herself and her family until she felt called to do more. She became an RPA Certified Repatterning Practitioner in 2018 and joined the RPA Executive Committee in 2019, serving as Vice-President for a year before becoming President in 2020. She has also trained in Scalar Heart Connection®, is currently completing her training as an RR teacher, heads the Certification Committee at RRII, and is in the process of building her own Energy Healing practice, Anasa360

Coaching Call 1 September at 6pm South African time with
About the Coaching Call
I will be talking about:
- Empathy
- Active listening
- Honouring others’ process
- How to manage insights you get on the session
- Find the non-coherent believes about them
- Change the resonance
About Atzin
I am Atzin Dominguez Rendón, my professional training is psychology. I have built my professional experience in teaching-learning processes and organizational development at a corporate level, and also with Resonance Repatterning accompanying human beings to transform themselves, in personal sessions and also in the teaching of this wonderful method. I have been studying also other methods as ontological coaching, Jin Shin Tara, and Corporative Training. One of the great gifts of Resonance Repatterning is that I can use it in my personal life to transform myself and achieve my goals, change my resonances, this is how I inspire others to check its effectiveness, and accompany them in their transitions to a fuller life. I think that some of the essential qualities to be a PR facilitator are active listening, empathy and humility.

Topical group session 13 September at 6pm South African time with
About the topical group session
What is happening in your world? How has the latest news affected your community? Issues and ‘Topics’ of interest will have a voice during this session. Let’s open ourselves to a Group Session that helps you move upwards in your resonance and coherence towards. The synergy of a group is a powerful force for positive change combined with a licensed practitioner to facilitate each one in attendance. You will benefit greatly. Come and join us!

September Masterclass Kick off 16 September at 6pm South African time with
About the Master Class
The journey to healing now has a precision guidance system. This allows the individual to curate and witness their own healing transformation and inspires integration and assimilation of the experience.
The New health paradigm focuses on preventative screening and precision healing. Journey into the science of healing and the anatomy and physiology of the human biofield which has been taboo for modern science since 1905. This has forced a need for integration with the best of modern medicine and healing modalities and a new relationship with the Divinity in Nature.
About Thornton
With thirty year’s experience examining healing in a research environment and developing non-invasive preventative screening tools Thornton Streeter promises an immersive experience that takes us all to the leading edge of healing and introduces the Soul Mirror, Petal and Live Biofield imaging.

Membership Group Session 24 September at 6pm South African time with
About the Membership Group Session
Receive ongoing support by experienced facilitators who will provide topics for each session that are sure to enrich your life journey. Come and be a part of this dynamic ‘for members only’ group repatterning.
About Atzin
I am Atzin Dominguez Rendón, my professional training is psychology. I have built my professional experience in teaching-learning processes and organizational development at a corporate level, and also with Resonance Repatterning accompanying human beings to transform themselves, in personal sessions and also in the teaching of this wonderful method. I have been studying also other methods as ontological coaching, Jin Shin Tara, and Corporative Training. One of the great gifts of Resonance Repatterning is that I can use it in my personal life to transform myself and achieve my goals, change my resonances, this is how I inspire others to check its effectiveness, and accompany them in their transitions to a fuller life. I think that some of the essential qualities to be a PR facilitator are active listening, empathy and humility.

Membership Vision
We are a strong global community, of like-minded professional practitioners, that strive to continually Master our craft. We focus on transformation of ourselves and impact others in a coherent way. We share knowledge, skills and tools, to help expand thinking and practices beyond the ordinary and provide a nourishing platform for like-minded professional practitioners to thrive and build long term connected relationships.

Membership Mission
We provide regular events and tools to our community that help to enrich, nourish and expand both
themselves, their business and their customers, whilst providing a platform for our practitioners and
teachers to take and celebrate their valued work into a wider audience.
For those that have not yet taken on a membership come and join us! Contact membersupport@resonancerepatterning.com – Don’t forget:
Senior Citizens discount on membership to the Resonance Repatterning® International Institute.
Great news – now that we are getting to know the make up of the community more, we have decided to launch two levels of discount for our membership
Over 70’s qualifies for a 50% discount
65-69 Qualifies for a 25% discount.

Exploring effective marketing strategies to grow your business.
When you have a service that can change people’s lives, you owe it to those you can serve, to let them know. It is frustrating knowing that you can help your fellow man, but your ideal clients can’t find you.
If you are looking to build a business, that shows continuous growth, as the business owner, you’ll need to have a marketing strategy in place.
The best marketing strategy for any business, is to deliver excellent results, that will have your clients referring you to their friends and family. Unfortunately, in most cases, referral business is not enough to sustainably grow our businesses significantly.
Amongst the multitude of various forms of marketing available to us today, the most accessible, cost effective and impactful is digital marketing. A recent survey conducted by Hootsuite, shows that more than 1 in 4 internet users aged 16 to 64 (27.6 percent) say that they discover new brands, products, and services via social media ads. The pandemic has led to us becoming more and more reliant on the digital space to fulfill our day-to-day needs.
Digital marketing is quite broad and includes marketing such as:
• Social media
• Websites
• Search Engine Optimisation
• Webinars
• Email marketing
• Affiliate marketing
• SMS Marketing
• Directory listings
• And much, much more
We can be certain that digital marketing needs to form a big part of our marketing strategy but with so many options to consider, it can be rather overwhelming to know what platforms to use, who to target, what message to use etc. So, over the next number of month’s we will be including an article on marketing advice that can help you better navigate this aspect of your business, so that you can help more people and make a bigger impact in the world.
Marketing Inspiration is written by Kim Bezuidenhout, who owns Digital Leads Company, a digital marketing agency that specializes in lead generation marketing. If you would like to reach out to Kim, you can email her at kim@digitalleadscompany.com or visit digitalleadscompany.com
Body Consciousness – This month let’s focus on the PSOAS (Muscle of the Soul)
What does PSOAS do?
In some Oriental philosophies the psoas is known as the “muscle of the soul,” a major powerhouse of the body.
It is known as the deepest, most stabilizing muscle in the human body, and affects our structural balance, width of movement, joint mobility and abdominal organ functioning. It’s the only muscle that connects the spine to the legs, and is responsible for keeping us standing and allowing us to lift our legs to walk. The psoas is so important for our health, vitality and emotional well-being.
Studies consider the psoas, as an organ composed of bio-intelligent tissue that embodies our deepest desire to survive and thrive. It is known as the primary messenger of the central nervous system, and therefore, considered a spokesperson of emotions. Why you may ask, because the psoas is connected to the diaphragm via the connective tissue or fascia, so it is affected in both breathing and fear.

When it is healthy, it stabilizes the spine and provides support through the trunk, and provides a good place for the abdominal organs to hang out comfortably however, when we are running a high moving or stressful lifestyle, the stress generates adrenaline that strains the psoas, preparing it to run or jump into action or shrink to protect us.
If we are or have been constantly holding the psoas in tension due to stress, over time it begins to shorten and harden. This makes our posture and the functions of the organs that live in the abdomen difficult, leading to back pain, sciatica, disc problems, hip degeneration, painful periods or digestive problems. A tense psoas sends tension signals to the nervous system, and as a result interferes with fluid movement and affects diaphragmatic breathing. In fact, the psoas is so involved in basic physical and emotional reactions, that when it is chronically tense, it is sending the body continuous signals of danger, so it can result in exhaustion of the adrenal glands and immune system. We further can compound the situation by the way we sit, our posture, or our daily habits, which reduce our natural movements and further constrain the muscle.
When our psoas is released, it allows the front of the thighs to be much longer and allows the legs and pelvis to move with greater fluidity and independence. It improves the position of the spine and entire torso, consequently impacting improved functions of the abdominal organs, respiration and heart. When we focus on the heal of our psoas our vital energies are rekindled and we connect again with our creative potential.
The more flexible and strong the psoas is, the more our vital energy can flow through our bones, muscles, and joints and allows us to create a firm, balanced support from the center of our pelvis and then the spine lengthens and through it, all our vitality can flow. The psoas also supports the kidney, and why it’s important for fear-related “escape”, learning.
When the Psoas is relaxed it allows toxins to be released easily because our bowels are leaning on them as well.

Monthly Meridian Focus / Pericardium (Heart Protector)
The fire element governs not only the heart protector but also the small intestine, heart and triple heater. The benefits if having this in balance are a healthy sexual energy flow, satisfying personal relationships, mental stability, and emotional joy. The pericardium protects the heart from emotional trauma, constricts the chest to protect the heart, and helps to express the joy of the heart. The pericardium protects the heart from potential damage caused from the strong fluctuations in energy caused by emotional ups and downs of the day. The pericardium also helps in the regulation of blood circulating in and out of the heart. The pericardium is considered a yin organ paired with the yang organ, San Jiao. A pericardium imbalance manifests as chronic unhealthy relationship patterns, chest inflammation and discomfort, fluid around the heart, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, and vertigo and very often irregular heartbeat. Other emotional signs of imbalance include frigid emotions, unhealthy vulnerability, excessive joy, inappropriate and excessive laughter, mental disturbance, phobias, inappropriate sexual behaviours and fear of intimacy, depression. A pericardium excess can give cause uncontrollable laughter, while a deficiency can manifest as profound sadness. Summer is the season associated with the pericardium, the element is fire, and the taste is bitter. To support pericardium energy, increase activity and play this summer season. Take an early morning walk and enjoy nature, absorb the sunshine, and eat juicy fresh fruits. Foods that nourish the pericardium include: watermelon, bitter greens, peanuts, cherries, red lentils, nasturtium leaves, radish, rhubarb, oily fish, dates.
Barter Bucks©
Come and volunteer your services to the HQ committee in exchange for Barter bucks. And you can exchange this for license fees, teaching programmes, becoming a teacher, or something else! Welcome to the Resonance Repatterning® International Institute Community of Exchange. It was great to see a $2000 dollar claim coming through the system for committee work into building the Resonance Repatterning® Institute and in turn we are grateful we can help others navigate their career and transformation through the system.
Vacancies in the committee
We still have a few left! Come and apply – no Resonance Repatterning® experience needed!
The committees are filling up fast, we now have over 20 new members and we look forward to sharing more pictures of this wonderful community in our next newsletter. Please contact support@resonancerepatterning.com so you can join this HQ community and help build this into the business that you can flourish in – and earn Barter Bucks© in exchange for license fees, courses membership and so on!

The following slots are available
- Team Lead – Governance, process and compliance
- Team Lead – Customer Intimacy
- Team Lead – Public Relations
- Observers for the Certification Process (whilst we have a number of observers, we are always happy for more to join)
- Mentors for Practitioners, right the way up to master Instructor (whilst we have a number of mentors, we are always happy for more to join)
Certification Support, Shayna – certificationsupport@resonancerepatterning.com
Legal, Team Lead, Garry – legal@resonancerepatterning.com
Certification & Mentorship, Team Lead, Sophia – mentorship@resonancerepatterning.com
Membership, Admin, Shayna – membersupport@resonancerepatterning.com
Membership, Team Lead, Carla – membership@resonancerepatterning.com
Sales & Marketing Team Lead, Leigh – marketing@resonancerepatterning.com
Teachers, Team Lead, Norma – teachers@resonancerepatterning.com
Teacher Admin, Shayna – teacheradmin@resonancerepatterning.com
Technical, Team Lead, hector – technical@resonancerepatterning.com
Escalations or complaints or compliments too! Team Lead, Carla – headoffice@resonancerepatterning.com
Everything else – support@resonancrepatterning.com
Website chat 24/7
You will notice we have a 24-hour chat service on our website which is a live person! So, if you have any queries wherever you are in your part of the world get hold of us via chat!
Private Member Facebook Groups
Teachers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1342135189561563/permalink/1342137362894679/
Practitioners: https://www.facebook.com/groups/768503280994790/permalink/768504987661286/
Students: https://www.facebook.com/groups/316704030404100/permalink/316707640403739/
Or just come and like the Resonance Repatterning® site https://www.facebook.com/resonancerepatterninginternationalinstitute/
Scheduled Online Programmes
To view a comprehensive schedule of the up and coming training available, please visit https://rriimembership.wildapricot.org/Our-programs
Websites to assist you on your journey
Effectiveness Company ~ Suzanne Ravenall ~ Ravenall Institute ~ Human Performance Replicator