02 Primary Patterns / Apr12-Aug26 2023
The seminar fee covers all 5 modules in the basic training. At this time I am certified to teach the first two modules and completing my training to teach the entire series. Ardis Ozborn is the senior teacher who will co-teach with me for final certification.
To register go to ozardis.com, create a free account and you will make your payment at that time.
April 12-August 26, 2023
Learn the Resonance Repatterning system to create change for yourself and others with our comprehensive training of the 5 basic licensed seminars. Training takes place in our interactive online classes (via zoom video conferencing) with teacher Ardis Ozborn and Andreea Dersidan.
The basic training consists of 5 in-depth seminars:
The Fundamentals of Resonance Repatterning
Transforming Primary Patterns
Transforming Unconscious Patterns
Transforming Chakra Patterns
Transforming Five Element and Meridian Patterns
Seminar Dates & Times:
Wednesday, Saturday 11 am-2:30 pm (EST)
Fundamentals – April 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29
Primary Patterns -May 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27
TUPS -June 7,10,14,17,21,24
Chakra -July 12,15,19,22,26,29
Meridians – August 9,12,16,19,23,26
This training creates empowerment on many levels including:
Integrating your life’s experiences and wisdom to create transformation within yourself and others
Supporting personal growth, awareness and inner healing
Empowering you to make life enhancing choices, and take action towards your goals
Positioning you to help others with an extension of your current practice or to start an alternative career
In this seminar series you will discover the power of the Resonance Repatterning system and how to clear energy patterns within yourself or others. You will learn…
- The importance of the ‘point of choice’ and how to remain oriented towards life enhancing energy patterns
- Our unique method of muscle checking; learn to check yourself or another to identify what you resonate with
- How to identify and change the patterns that keep you and others stuck in repetitive and often painful patterns. Resonate instead with what energizes you in life
- Specific repatternings to transform negative perceptions and beliefs you unconsciously created in early infancy and childhood. These patterns still determine what you see or don’t see, hear or don’t hear, and how you project yourself in the world
- Our orientation method, how to repattern specific problems into opportunities, and key elements for resonating with intention
- Brain area functions and qualities to resonate with to create coherence in your life.
- Energy patterns based on the Ayurvedic chakra system and its seven major concentrated reservoirs of energy that impact your body, your emotional responses, your thoughts and your attitude
- An introduction to the Chinese Five Element and Meridian system of natural healing
- The attributes of each acupuncture element and meridians and how to strengthen the flow of chi life energy
- The Spiral Up Options for change and transformation
- Early Discount Seminar Fee: $0
- Retake Fee: $1250
- Early Discount Retake Fee: $0
- Early Registration Deadline: April 12, 2023
Andreea Dersidan
Through her business, Healing Resonance, Andreea provides a safe place for people who are ready to transform their life and reconnect to their whole self. She has been called to guide people in their healing journey and she sets the intention to always show up as her highest self in support of their highest and best.