22 Trauma to Transcendence~Breaking the Hold of the Childhood Brain on the Adult Self
Dr Suzanne Ravenall B.Msc. M.Msc. Msc.D.
Accredited with the American Drugless Practitioners Association
Trauma to Transcendence — Breaking the Hold of the Childhood Brain on the Adult Self
• 4:00 PM on Sept 7, 2023
• 4:00 PM on Sept 14, 2023
• 4:00 PM on Sept 21, 2023
• 4:00 PM on Sept 28, 2023
• All times are quoted as South African times
• Use https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ to convert to your time
CLICK TO LEARN MORE and BUY : Trauma to Transcendence
Brain development is much more than a story about biology. From our earliest years, relationships with others play a key role in shaping how our brain grows and develops. From early experiences of neglect, lack of love or just not having our needs met, we generate beliefs and we have two kinds of beliefs, those that are helpful and those that are harmful. These early experiences trip us up in early childhood and impact our brain development in such a significant way. The child adapts as we know, and learns a new way of being that they create as the new familiar– fast forward to adult, having forgotten about the decisions made, the adult finds potential is reduced and far too limiting and self-defeating.
Repattern your life and create your best and most extraordinary life.
• Have an understanding of what your doing and why
• Understand why patterns keep repeating and what to do about it
• Take new understanding and with this have more confidence to take a Vertical leap of exponential progress…
• Navigate your life and relationships with much more ease…
• Learning what More love, more health, more happiness, more freedom,
• Turn adversity to insight…
This 4-week Live Online Quest starts September 7th. Through live sessions combined with powerful guided exercises and real-world applications. You’ll get to master skills that help you understand how and when you got stuck, which strategies you keep repeating in your adult life, where these came from, how to change them and how to transform your life.
Other Training & Group Sessions: (booked as a series only)
• Shedding Weight
• Being a Great Boundary Setter
• Nice or Not Nice Communication
• Love and Relationships
- Early Discount Seminar Fee: $0
- Retake Fee: $0
- Early Discount Retake Fee: $0
- Early Registration Deadline: August 1, 2023