Home Study Basic Series online & self-paced
Home Study Basic & Advanced online & self-paced Programmes
Self Study
The programme is currently in Beta phase and is a recording of a full basic series, including a full session on each programme and comprehensive documents to take you through the process.

Full Basic Series
Course Overview
The programme is currently in Beta phase and is a recording of a full basic series, including a full session on each programme and comprehensive documents to take you through the process
This course consists of two parts should you wish to become a practitioner. There is no specific time to complete
Part 1
- A Home Study muscle checking programme with an in-depth practical guide
- Over 50 hours of videos covering the Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns; 5 Elements & Meridians with all the information you need along with a full session on every one of the repatternings for view and additional information not contained within the books.
- Provided with a mentor or without
- Muscle Checking
- 01. Fundamentals (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- 02. Primary Patterns (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- 03. Unconscious Patterns (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- 04. Chakra Patterns (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- 05. 5 Element & Meridians (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- Full Basic Series: all 5 Programmes + Demo’s (Self Study Online with Mentoring) or (without Mentoring)
- Demo’s/Talk Throughs & Resources of Full Basic Series (Demo’s/Talk Throughs & Resources of Basic 5 Series)
Part 2
To become a practitioner, the second part is retaking the full basic series live, either online or in-person to ensure the practical application and coaching
Ideal Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites!
Inner Cultivation
(Advanced Seminar)
Duration This course consists of two parts:
- Part 1 is a Home Study video course of all the information you need for
- Part 2, which is the in-person/online seminar of practical application and coaching is provided over 3 full days on a weekend or over 4 sessions of 3 hours in length.
Course Overview
This course teaches the inner tradition of the 5 Element system of Chinese Acupuncture – using colour and light on Acupuncture points in relation to twenty-five Meridian Repatternings, along with the Constitutional type. The course also involves the inner work towards manifesting and living the Five Essences.
- The Shen Essence of consciousness enables you to know and follow the truth of your heart.
- The Hun Essence governs evolution and growth. Providing an elevated perspective and the capacity to access the overall plan stored in our depths.
- The Po Essence associated with peace, the inner tranquillity that comes when we accept every situation as part of our life purpose.
- The Yi Essence makes it possible to integrate all life experiences in a nourishing way and to live with integrity. Integrity provides the inner nourishment needed by aligning words, thoughts and actions with the truth of the heart.
Key take aways
- Inner Cultivation aims to balance the five disturbed emotions and the Five Essences through the 25 Meridian Repatternings, specific acupuncture points and five Indian Mudras associated with each of the Essences.
- Learn the Constitutional types and how this relates to yourself and others
- Understand the 5 essences and how this relates to you and your journey as well as others
- Receive and learn the powerful Repatternings that help shift the underlying disturbed emotions.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the Five Element and Meridian seminar so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Principles of Relationship
(Advanced Seminar)
- Duration This course consists of two parts:
- Part 1 is a Home Study video course of 28 hours providing all the information you need for
- Part 2, which is the in-person/online seminar of practical application and coaching is provided over 3 full days on a weekend or over 4 sessions of 3 hours in length.
Course Overview
Any problem involving someone else is also our problem – calling our attention to where our own personal transformation is needed. The three principles of positive relationship (interdependence, entrainment and polarity) help us to re-align and resonate with harmony, respect, mutual empowerment, heart connection, safety and joy.
Key take aways
- Fourteen Repatternings for transforming yourself and your relationships.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
New Vision
(Advanced Seminar)
- Duration This course consists of two parts:
- Part 1 is a Home Study video course of all the information you need for
- Part 2, which is the in-person/online seminar of practical application and coaching is provided over 3 full days on a weekend or over 4 sessions of 3 hours in length.
Course Overview
Your Vision: This twenty-one hour seminar is about light, movement and memory images in relation to our vision (physical acuity, and how you see vyourself, others and life).
Through the Vision Repatternings and Vision Energizing Options, we have the potential to free ourselves from non-coherent memories that inhibit how much light we take in.
Light in turn affects how we move, our posture, breathing, how we relate to others, our positive or negative thoughts and feelings and how we perceive ourselves
Key take aways
- 62 Vision Options — from relaxation, eye movements, body-eye movements, brain-eye Options, colour and light Options and memory visualization.
- Can be used with or without the sessions you receive from a Resonance Repatterning practitioner.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Energetics of Relationship
(Advanced Seminar)
- Duration This course consists of two parts:
- Part 1 is a 28 hour Home Study video course of all the information you need for
- Part 2, which is the in-person/online seminar of practical application and coaching is provided over 3 full days on a weekend or over 4 sessions of 3 hours in length.
Course Overview
This advanced seminar introduces the four components of our electrical circuit and how this is alive and well in our life and all our relationships.
Powerful Repatternings support self-healing from shock and trauma, balance the frequency field and help you build your energy when your reserves are drained through stress in relationships.
Other Repatternings support resonance with the developmental stages for long-term intimate relationship and help you sustain successful bonding in your relationships.
Key take aways
- Eleven Repatternings
- Seventy Energizing Options
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Living in Tune with your Light
(Advanced Seminar)
Course Overview
Based on eight true stories that uplift us when we need inspiration, that strengthen us when the going gets tough in our life and that help us self-heal when we are ready for inner transformation.
The learning from these powerful stories is integrated into the eight Repatternings at the end of each chapter.
Key take aways
The intention of the Repatternings is to support us in shifting our resonance so we too can discover and radiate our light.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Living in Tune with your Heart
(Advanced Seminar)
Course Overview
This course is for those who want to resonate with heart consciousness, through eight Heart Repatternings, for more love, inner joy, peace of mind and reverence for life.
Key take aways
Each Repatterning is drawn from the true stories or information shared in each of the eight chapters. These powerful and life-changing stories are integrated into the Repatterning processes.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Living in Tune with your Life
(Advanced Seminar)
Course Overview
This course deepens our understanding of ourselves and helps us apply information and stories in a practical way in our everyday lives. The seven hero’s journeys that lead to transformation and ultimately to transcendence. This is recommended for self-help and inspiration for teenagers, adults, and practitioners working with clients – and for anyone wanting to live in tune with their life.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Key take aways
- the innate impulse of our mind to access and live the positive qualities associated with our soul 2) what it means to embrace life rather than death
- the power of our own resonant note to calm our mind and help us through life’s challenges
- the importance of balance for regaining or strengthening our health – whether potassium-sodium or oxygen-carbon dioxide – and how to breathe in a way that restores health
- how to use our goals as a stimulus for heightened awareness and fulfilment
- what it means to experience the discontinuous moment when the seemingly impossible is made possible
- how to align our outer image with the radiance and beauty of our inner nature
- how to return to our resonant weight through seven out-of-the-ordinary ways of understanding and resolving weight issues.
The A-Z of Muscle Checking
(Self-Paced Home Study only)
This course consists of 21 hours of Home Study.
Course Overview
- Muscle checking (also known as muscle testing and Applied Kinesiology) is the tool we use in Resonance Repatterning to access the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
- The autonomic nervous system gives us reflex responses through the muscles that, with training, we can use for giving us “on” (active) / ”off” (inactive) muscle responses as a way to discover what energizes and de-energizes us.
- This course is for all those who want to learn muscle checking
- For those of you who want to prepare before attending your first Fundamentals seminar
- For students and RR Practitioners who want an excellent recap on muscle checking with hints on how to explain muscle checking to others
- For RR Teachers this course is a resource for your students, either before or after they attend the first few seminars, for those who want more confidence and need a recap at their own pace of what they have learned with you
Polarity Principles & Contacts for the Five Chakras
(Advanced Seminar)
Self-paced Home Study only
This course consists of 21 hours of Home Study.
Course Overview
Polarity therapy, or polarity balancing, is a form of energy therapy based on the understanding that changing your body’s electromagnetic field can treat various bodily issues. Dr Randolph Stone, an osteopath, chiropractor, and naturopath, developed this form of alternative medicine in 1947. In this home study Chloe Faith Wordsworth walks you through how it works and each one of the various contacts.
Ideal Prerequisites
The ideal pre-requisite requirement for attending this course is to have taken the basic series, Fundamentals, Primary Patterns, Unconscious Patterns, Chakra Patterns, 5 Element & Meridians, so that it provides sense at a deeper level and taking the home study course. However, if you feel you are ready to go ahead and take the course, go ahead and book!
Key take aways
- Introduction to polarity therapy
- Each of the Polarity therapy contacts
- When energy is blocked how to get it moving
- Overview of the five main energy centers
- Demonstration of 27 energy contacts

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