We welcome you to certify not just to practitioner but beyond to Advanced & Master Practitioner to Mentor, Instruction & Master Instructor.
See what opportunities are open to you
Getting certified is a wonderful journey, to realize your full potential as a certified practitioner and be able to use letters after your name, and let everyone know that you have reached a level of mastery.
Click on the link here to see the step by step guide to the whole journey here (provide link) and click here to see your whole career journey.
The guide is very detailed and tells you exactly what to do – if you have any questions please contact certificationadmin@resonancerepatterning.com
When your ready, you simply let us know and upload all of your documentation to the correct place on our secure servers. An observer is allocated and is diarized to commence the process against the diary schedule. You will be informed when this will happen. If there are areas that need attention we will allocate you a mentor to help against specific areas, and see you through your journey.
We welcome you to certify not just to practitioner Certification but beyond that to advanced practitioner certification, Advanced Practitioner Certification and Master Practitioner.